Saturday, May 06, 2006

Massachusetts National Cemetery

With the forecast of another beautiful day we decided to take a trip to the upper Cape. One of our sites of interest was the Veterans National Cemetery in the town of Bourne. It is open to the public from dawn till dusk. It is located 5 mi. south of the Bourne Bridge. It was dedicated in Oct. 1976 and officially opened for burials in Oct. 1980. It consists of approximately 750 acres. It is estimated that it will be open for burials until the year 2030+ with a total of approximately 350,000 gravesites. After stopping at the front of the Administration Bldg. we found the grave of a friend recently buried there. After viewing several monuments in hushed respect, we left. I will treasure the feeling I felt while visiting this beautiful resting place for our Countries soldiers. For anyone who would like more information I set up a link at the top of this post just click the Title Massachuetts National Cemetery.


None said...

Thanks for stopping by.

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Michele said...

Wow how eerie,my uncle is buried
there.Here by way of bm,stop by
for a visit.